New Zealand Blog

feel free, do something interesting

All good things

Okay, next chapter closed. I do have a bank account.

Now we’re nearly ready for take off. Tomorrow we will pick up the Campervan / Motorhome and then move around the Northern part of New Zealand.
Besides setting up an account was one thing to do this day. But we also did some sightseeing in Auckland. From the reports they all said, drivinig in Auckland is awkward. No it is not. If you’re used to cities like Cologne or Munich, you will find out that traffic here in NZ is a little bit different. The streets are thrice the size, the cars drive slower and to me its looks as if they do have more time.
Most of the stores do close at 5pm, maybe not in Auckland centre, but in all the suburbs. During sightseeing we visited the Skytower, and have had a great view around Auckland and its surroundings. The city of sails was not fully covered with sails, as there was a strong breeze and it’s very early in spring. But the temperatures are fine around 20 degrees Celsius.
And the view from the tower is beautiful.


After our visit we have had a very long chit-chat with our host, who was very interested in Europe and its culture. So we gave him a short (okay lasts 2 hours) overview of Europe and especially the European Union history and how the goverment in germany works. After that we gave him some impressions on life and certain festivals in germany (from Osterfeuer til x-mas and carneval).

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viel geschafft und trotzdem Ausflüge gemacht

2 Kommentare

  1. Schomburg

    Hallo,liebe Rosa-Family, wir lesen immer mit großem Interesse euren Blog und grüßen euch herzlich! Best wishes!

  2. Doreen

    Vielen Dank, dass Ihr uns teilnehmen lasst an Eurem großen Abenteuer….

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